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Age~Friendly Orillia

Age-Friendly Orillia Advisory Committee, in partnership with the City of Orillia, works to create policies, services and programs that enable all community members to enjoy an active, independent and meaningful life at every stage./Why join Age-Friendly Orillia? Use your skills, experience and knowledge/Work with an active, engaged and focused group/Age-Friendly is a worldwide movement, initiated by the World Health Organization. Help Orillia make meaningful change.


Positions Available

COMMUNICATIONS: Work directly with the Executive Committee to coordinate and integrate content developed for the web, social media, print, community engagement and public relations | Keeps abreast of social-media trends and web-site design options and management, and provides recommendations to the Executive | Write content for social media, as well as general communications, such as letters of support for funding, feature articles, media releases, and messaging to community partner | Solicits content from community partners on age-friendly initiatives and programs in order to provide up-to-date and accurate web and social media content


ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Join as a general member of the committee | Advocate for policies, services and structures that enable people of all ages to benefit from an active, independent and meaningful life | Learn what makes a community age-friendly | Attend monthly meetings | Potentially: Engage in sub-group imitative (such as the Annual Expo/Event Planning, Work Plan development or other such projects) | Suitable for someone with knowledge and interest in local issues affecting older adults | We welcome skills associated with fundraising, community development, event planning or strategic planning


WORK PLAN DEVELOPER: Working with our Co-Chair, use our well developed Implementation Plan to create a work plan for the coming months | The work plan developers determine priorities and an action plan to achieve goals in the most suitable and efficient manner | As a full member of the Committee, the work plan developers attend monthly meetings, and engage with sub-groups as required | This volunteer position would be most suitable for someone who enjoys organizing, scheduling and has some experience with outcome planning and/or using logic models.


AGE-FRIENDLY ANNUAL EXPO SUPPORT: help to develop an annual one-day Age-friendly, in collaboration with partners who can provide educational presentations, workshops and resources targeted to both the public and service providers | This volunteer position is most suitable for someone with event planning experience who is collaborative in nature | He/she should have knowledge of, and connections with, the businesses and organizations who serve older adults who reside or received services in Orillia.


To apply or ask for additional information for any of the above position please call, email, or visit our website provided below.






Phone: 7053267743

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