Epilepsy Ontario
Phone Number: 905-738-9431
Address: 470 North Rivermade Rd. Concord L4K 3R8
Website: https://epilepsyontario.org/
Email: info@epilepsyontario.org
Hours of Operaion: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm
Inclusion Criteria: Persons with Epilepsy, their families and the general public
Services Offered:
Non-profit non-governmental health organization that provides support, education and advocacy for people with epilepsy and their families * through a network of chapters, contacts and associates, Epilepsy Ontario provides client services, counselling, information and referral services, education and advocacy services for children and adults living with seizure disorders, and for their families, friends, co-workers and caregivers * offers long-term programs to raise standards of care and supports medical research into seizure disorders * eplilepsy scholarship program, see here for more info and eligibility
Categories: Health & Human Services