Orillia Midwives
Phone Number: 705-326-0000
Address: 100 Colborne St W #400, Orillia, ON L3V 2Y9
Website: http://www.orilliamidwives.com/
Email: info@orilliamidwives.com
Hours of Operaion: Monday to Thursday 10am to 4pm (lunch is generally between 12-1pm)
Services Offered:
Midwife Services
A registered midwife is a health care provider who is trained to provide care to both mother and newborn during normal pregnancy, labour, birth, and the first six weeks of your baby’s life. When women and babies are healthy, midwives provide primary care similar to the care that a family doctor would provide, including ordering blood tests, ultrasounds, and other routine assessments. Midwives are skilled in providing emergency care, detecting complications, and providing care together with physicians and other specialists when consultations are needed.
Extra Information:
Orillia Midwives are…
- Safe
- Part of the health-care system
- Able to order blood tests & ultrasounds
- Experts in normal pregnancy, childbirth, and care of Mom and baby for six weeks after the birth
- Able to attend your birth at the hospital or at home
- Primary Health Care Providers.
Categories: Women’s Services