Unity in the Community Directory

Telecare Distress Line of Greater Simcoe

Phone: 705-327-2383
Website Link: https://telecaredistressline.com/
Email: info@telecaredistressline.com
Age Friendly: ☑️

Services Offered / Other Information:

  • We provide 24/7 phone support to individuals in Simcoe County who may be experiencing distress, grief, loneliness, isolation, or those who just need a listening ear.
  • Telecare Distress Line is committed to creating “Suicide Safer Communities”, and provides community and organizational suicide awareness training.
  • We provide an inclusive, non-judgmental service, and our volunteer team represents individuals from all ages and identities.
  • You don’t need to be in distress to call, and if you can reach a phone, you can reach a friend!